Since the late 17th century up to the early 19th century, Pacific Ocean charts registered an island named Dona Maria de Lajara, or de Laxara, or even Maria Laxar around 27 degrees North latitude and 140 West from Greenwich longitude (that is East-northeast from Hawaii). As Gemelli wrote, such an island was supposedly near the place were María de Lajara hurled herself into the sea.
However no island actually exists in that area and therefore it is presently catalogued as a phantom island. Anyway, given that in early times latitudes were rather accurate, other possibility is that Dona Maria de Lajara island could originally be one of the Bonin Islands, around 27 degrees North and 140 East from Greenwich; where a small volcanic island is at this location; and the longitude shortly later mistakenly moved to 140 West.
The mercator map however places the island just north of Hawaii (Sandwich Island)
A crescent-shaped island in the North Atlantic that does not appear to exist; however, there is a crescent-shaped group of seamounts 120 feet deep near its described location.
A pair of phantom islands to the east of the Marshall Islands.
Found in 1884 by Johan Otto Polter, who, in four later expeditions through 1909, disproved the island’s existence.
Nonexistent reef in the Line Islands (in fact Line Islands are more than 2,000 miles (3,200 kilometres) away), to the south of the also nonexistent Ernest Legouve Reef (see above).
Juan de Lisboa is a phantom island in the Western Indian Ocean allegedly located southeast of Madagascar. It was reported on maps and charts of the 17th and 18th centuries, sometimes depicted alongside another phantom island, dos Romeiros (or Pomeri).
An island just to the east of the Flemish Cap; it was believed to exist into the 19th century, during which cartographers discussed it as a possible midway point for the Transatlantic telegraph cable.
An island to the west of Greenland, perhaps a misreading of the island’s name, or Baffin Island.
A nonexistent island off the coast of Japan to the southwest of the Shatsky Rise.
Another island on the Zeno map, possibly a renamed Iceland.